482 photos   14767 visits

Your MileyRayMe Is Fake

Look!Gosh!I`ve got MANY PICS,3 PGS!LOL!

Okay Guys!I`m Not a star but i`m 17!and These pics aren`t fakes!Look at her page and at my photos!She is BIG BIG BIG BIG FAKE!And her english is translate....i know that!i know SOME Romanian!Pot Vorbi Putin b`cuz i am from L.A.!I Learn at the school some romanain!But MileyRayMe (Your Miley) IS A FAKE!For The Fans from Romania:Poate ar trebui sa va retrageti protectile:D....sorry but i don`t know Many Romanian!Love All

And sorry HereforstarsxD!i will copied yours photos b`cuz i want to have 4 pgs!Okay?
fake 27
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Comments • 14

You Are Right but i don`t blv as u are from L.A. And u are 17!!
xDingFakesDetectorxD 1 January 2011  
Vai draga :| traduci pe mata !! :)) si nu sunt MileyRayMe am vazut pe MileyWorld ca a scris :| Idioato . poi ce problema am eu ca tu nuu ai MileyWorld ? daca n-ai bani eu ce vrei sa fac ?:)) hai marsh` .. doamne . ce proaste !! hai nu te mai preface ca nu intelegi ca se vede clar ca nu stii nici macar pluralu` in engleza :)) aha . deci ai inteles ce am zis de MileyWorld !!!:)) Te-am dat de gol idioato :))

P.S. Eu sunt LoL=]
GoAwayMileyRayMe 1 January 2011  
Goosh !! I know it
MileyRayMe 1 January 2011  
OMG ..:) You are 17 and ur english it;s down!! :) PLease stop with this baby :) You will see that I am the real Miley <3 And yeah .. Sorry for my bad words :| But leave me @child =] You make my day .. Uhm:| xo
OMGMileyishereagain 1 January 2011  
=))you make my day??:))Maybe you make this day ...!=]]
MileyRayMe 1 January 2011  
It's ***
xBybiiixD 30 December 2010  
Wow...!Yeii=]]i`m 18 years old and u 17!

Happy B -day
OMGMileyishereagain 30 December 2010  
Thx So Much @xBybiiixD!
CassidyKaneStaub 30 December 2010  
However i didn't even blved her i think i don't even remember cuz i don't care about her :)))
OMGMileyishereagain 30 December 2010  
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